Italy | 98 min

Cast: Tomas Milian, Pino Colizzi, Solvi Stubing, Mario Piave, Isa Danieli, Nello Pazzafini

Director: Umberto Lenzi

Back in Rome after a few months of hiding in Corsica, Vincenzo Marazzi of “Il Gobbo” with accomplices Perrone, Albanese, and Sogliola assault a bank's armored truck. Having accomplished the heist, the partners shoot at him. The Hunchback saves himself and takes refuge in the house of a prostitute friend of his, preparing for revenge. He kills the Sogliola by locking him in a cold room; he gets rid of the Albanese with a revolver shot; he scares Perrone to death by threatening him with a drill. In order to unearth the criminal's hideout and the gang he has meanwhile put together, the police make use of “Monnezza,” his twin brother, but both he and the Hunchback easily taunt the officers. Finally, Commissioner Sarti and his men, manage to surprise him, but while his gang is forced to surrender, the Hunchback evades capture by fleeing in a car. On the highway the car skids and plunges into the Tiber, disappearing underwater. But, who knows, perhaps the Hunchback has once again managed to get away with it.