Francesco Benenato (Franco Franchi) and Francesco Ingrassia (Ciccio), known as a golden couple of Italian cinema, were born in Palermo respectively in September 18th, 1928 and October 5th, 1922.
In 1954 they formed a comic duo that for more than thirty years had a lot of success in cinema, theater and television, always making people laugh without vulgarity. In the beginning, Ciccio helped the inexperienced Franco to refine his acting methods, making them in line with the times, however with his impetuousness, his vitality and his imagination, he made every sketch extremely comical.
They made their debut at the cinema after meeting one of the symbolic singers of Italian music: Domenico Modugno. Often, their films are without a real script and are based on a canvas and the dialogues are entrusted to improvisation. The director just took care of the camera, without interfering in the work of the actors.
Their collaboration ended when Franchi passed away in 1992. Ciccio Ingrassia, on the other hand, died in Rome on April 28th, 2003.